Community Service Oriented Policing System (CSOP) One Day Refresher Seminar was successfully conducted at COCPO Hqs Cagayan de Oro City Police Office- September 13, 2022, PCOL AARON M MANDIA, City Director lauded the Personnel of City Community Affairs and Development Unit, Station Commanders of Police Station 1-10 and Chief of Special Units for their active continue reading : PRESS RELEASE#2022-0913-014
PRESS RELEASE #2022-0912-013
COCPO Personnel Awarded during the Traditional Monday Flag Raising and Awarding Ceremony Cagayan de Oro City Police Office- September 12, 2022, PCOL AARON M MANDIA, City Director spearheaded the conduct of the Monday Flag Raising and Awarding Ceremony thru handing over a certificate of Recognition and Plaque of Commendation and Appreciation to the deserving COCPO continue reading : PRESS RELEASE #2022-0912-013
PRESS RELEASE#2022-0907-007
COCPO joins with the Ayala Foundation in BRIGADANG AYALA and Maging Magiting Campaign in DepEd, Division of Cagayan de Oro City September 7, 2022- Cagayan de Oro City Police Office Personnel under the leadership of PCOL AARON M MANDIA joins with the Ayala Foundation Inc. in BRIGADANG AYALA, Balik Eskwela Program and Maging Magiting Campaign, continue reading : PRESS RELEASE#2022-0907-007
PRESS RELEASE #2022-0906-007
COCPO personnel successfully conducted outreach program in Man-ai Elem. School, Brgy Tignapoloan, this city. September 06, 2022- Cagayan de Oro City Police Office under the leadership of PCOL AARON M MANDIA, City Director together with the Advocacy support group and COCPO Stakeholders was successful on the conduct of School visitation and distribution of 50 pack continue reading : PRESS RELEASE #2022-0906-007
PRESS RELEASE #2022-0906-006
Suspect on Stabbing incident surrendered to COCPO Cagayan de Oro City Police Office- September 6, 2022, PCOL AARON M MANDIA, City Director lauded the efforts of COCPS personnel led by PMAJ ERICKSON, Station Commander in facilitating the smooth surrender of the suspect named Elmer Bachinicha y Requerme, 46 yrs old, married and a resident of continue reading : PRESS RELEASE #2022-0906-006
PRESS RELEASE #2022-0905-005
COCPO arrested other Wanted Person COCPO- On September 5, 2022 at 2:27PM, PCOL AARON M MANDIA, City Director commended the tracker team from City Drug Enforcement Unit-COCPO and City Intelligence Unit-Cocpo for the successful serving of Warrant of Arrest to certain Irish Guanzon y Alejandro, of legal age (April 4, 1988), married, PDL and a continue reading : PRESS RELEASE #2022-0905-005
PRESS RELEASE #2022-0905-003
2 Militia yields to COCPO Cagayan de Oro City Police Office- September 5, 2022, PCOL AARON M MANDIA, City Director lauded the significant accomplishment of the joint operating teams thru Intel driven operation from CMFC intel operatives together with R2, RIU and assisted by NCMSO-MAPIO which resulted to the successful surrender of a certain JOHN continue reading : PRESS RELEASE #2022-0905-003
Congratulations Cagayan De Oro City Police Office
Congratulations Cagayan De Oro City Police for receiving three awards during the 121st Police Service Anniversary held today, Sept 5, 2022 at Police Regional Office 10, Camp Lt Vicente G Alagar, Cagayan de Oro City. PCOL AARON M MANDIA, City Director Best Senior Police Commissioned Officer for Operations PMAJ ABDUL ALIM SUMANDAR, Chief CARMU Best continue reading : Congratulations Cagayan De Oro City Police Office
PRESS RELEASE #2022-0902-002
COCPO ENSURES PUBLIC SAFETY September 2, 2022- COCPO leadership stands firm that our primary mission/responsibility was given top priority by the strong men and women of COCPO and that is to “enforce the law, prevent and control crimes, maintain peace and order, ensure public safety and internal security with the active support of the community”. continue reading : PRESS RELEASE #2022-0902-002
Militia ng Bayan Member- a Supply/Liason officer (NPA in the Barrio) surrenders to COCPO
Militia ng Bayan Member- a Supply/Liason officer (NPA in the Barrio) surrenders to COCPO COCPO- Milicia ng Bayan surrenders to COCPO during the Simultaneous Anti-Criminality Law Enforcement Operations ( SACLEO). PCOL AARON MANDIA, City Director reported to PBGEN LAWRENCE B COOP, Regional Director that PLTCOL Joephet Paglinawan, Force Commander facilitated the voluntary surrender of a continue reading : Militia ng Bayan Member- a Supply/Liason officer (NPA in the Barrio) surrenders to COCPO
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