PRESS RELEASE #2023-1005-001

Cagayan de Oro City – COCPO under the leadership of PCOL SALVADOR NOMIO RADAM, Officer In-Charge welcomes the validating team headed by PBGEN RAMIL LADYONG SACULLES, Secretary of Directorial Staff, OCDS for the Cagayan de Oro City Police Office Unit and Performance Governance Reporting (Institutionalization Stage).

A Foyer honor was offered by Police Colonel Radam to the honoree, the Secretary of the Directorial Staff PBGEN RAMIL LADYONG SACULLES together with his team, and it was followed by a guest book signing. The entrance briefing commenced which was presented by Police Colonel Salvador N Radam and highlighted the unit’s accomplishments, followed by the presentation of Briefing on Purpose and Mechanics of the Audit and introduction of the Audit team.

COCPO geared towards the Institutionalization Evaluation Process (IEP), an impact Validation through a focus group discussion that took place and participated by the members of the COCPO Technical Working Group together with the members of the City Advisory Group for Police Transformation and Development (CAGPTD) headed by Chairman Atty. Adrian L. Barba.

Police Colonel Salvador N Radam, OIC, COCPO spearheaded the on-site visit at Police Station 9 (Nazareth) along with the validating team conducted personnel interviews, and assessed the knowledge of COCPO personnel on Unit accomplishments and breakthrough results on its journey to the Unit Certification and Performance Governance Reporting for Institutionalization Stage.

“The entire men and women of COCPO under my watch have expressed our heartfelt gratitude for allowing us to experience this once-in-a-lifetime chance to show you all how far COCPO has been through with our journey to have a long-lasting change, to be a highly capable and effective and credible Police service”, said Police Colonel Salvador N RADAM, Officer-In-Charge COCPO.




