Satisfaction Survey How satisfied are you with the Cagayan de Oro City Police Office efforts to reduce crime?Very SatisfiedSomewhat SatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedHow effective are the police in fighting crime?Very EffectiveSomewhat EffectiveSomewhat Ineffectivevery IneffectiveHow satisfied are you with how often you see police officers on the street?Very SatisfiedSomewhat SatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedDo you think the Cagayan de Oro City Police Office are generally fair in their dealings with people?Very Fairsomewhat Fairsomewhat UnfairVery UnfairOverall, how would you rate the relationship between the Cagayan de Oro City Police Office and the community?ExcellentGoodFairPoor*Comments, concerns and suggestions for improvement.